Transmedia Dynamics - IABM Member Company Details

Transmedia Dynamics - IABM Member Company Details

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TMD is a leading supplier of Media Asset and Workflow management solutions to the global broadcast, archive and media industries. Mediaflex is a modular solution enabling media centric organisations to manage their physical media library as well as the digital content and allowing them to transition in a controlled manner to a tapeless digital workflow. Mediaflex provides a business orientated workflow tool which increases operational efficiency in all areas including library, ingest, storage, repurposing and archive and across all aspects of the content chain. TMD has offices in the UK, USA, Australia and Malaysia, serving clients across the world.

Media Portal

Media Portal makes it easy for users of Mediaflex to receive content from third party collaborators.


Mediaflex-UMS - transforming media asset management across the content supply chain.

Paragon for Archiving

Hierarchical Storage Management providing a fully-managed digital content library for archives.

Video Browser

A web-based UI enabling viewing and clip selection of live and recorded sessions in legislatures.

BaM Content Chain Element


Offices located in

Country Address
Australia P.O. Box 3872, Western Creek, ACT, 2611
USA 7212 Goforth Road, Suite 109, Kyle, Texas, TX 78640
Malaysia Suite 3.01, Block B, Bangunan PanGlobal, 1A, Jalan Tandang, Petaling Jaya, Selangor, 46050
UK Tower House, High Street, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, HP20 1SQ


Articles, Whitepapers, and Other Content


IABM TV videos featuring


Company Virtual Cards

Tony Taylor

