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Starfish Edge Server
The Starfish Edge Server is used for remote media insertion (e.g. ad insertion) and playout.

Starter Pack
Specifically developed for feasibility tests to experiment and deploy high end video applications

The first optical solution built from the ground up to address in-studio camera tracking.

StarTracker Max
StarTracker Max is Mo-Sys’ most accurate Virtual Production camera tracking solution to-date.

StarTracker Studio
The first pre-configured complete virtual studio system.


Timed Text – creation and editing – in a browser.
Subtitles, Closed Captions, AD and Transcripts.

Expand your stereo image. Mono to stereo, stereo to super-wide, and everywhere in between.

Focus in on the frequencies you want to move then tweak/fix/align them in the stereo panorama.

StormGeo Studio
A cloud-based weather graphics and forecasting platform for media outlets.

Stream Analyser
Elecard Stream Analyzer is a professional tool for syntax analysis of encoded media streams.

Stream MultiScreen
Instrumental monitoring system / multiviewer for UNLIMITED number of TV and Radio channels