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IBM Video Streaming

Broadcast live and on-demand content using a scalable online video platform (OVP).

IBM Video Streaming for OTT Video Management

Manage, measure and monetize a comprehensive OTT offering with a multiscreen content strategy.

IBM Watson Captioning

AI generated captions: automated, accurate, editable, trainable, fast.

Inspect 2110

IP video monitoring for your ST 2110 production networks.

Limelight Realtime Streaming

Delivers live video from anywhere in the world, to anywhere in the world, with less than one second.

m9405 4K Media Player

Powerful, robust media player with 32GB storage that supports stunning 4K video content

Massive AXIS

With AXIS, TV operators can create, deploy and test targeted UX in real-time, across devices.

ME10 SoC

The ME10 SoC is Macnica’s full-stack IPMX 4K AV over IP system on a chip (SoC)

ME10/MPA1000 Launch Kit

Begin developing 4K AV-over-IP products with IPMX interoperability quickly.

MediaScaleX // Cache

A multi-tiered caching solution, to cost-effectively deliver and scale video streaming services

MediaScaleX // Origin

A high-performance JIT-Packaging, Streaming and Recording platform for OTT and STB delivery

MediaScaleX // Storage

A software-defined, multi-performance, object storage platform for all Media use cases