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Etere Automation

Etere Automation is a playout automation system that enhances workflow design and reliability.

Etere Broadcast Management System

Etere BMS integrates program planning, content utilisation monitoring, rights, inventory and more.

Etere CensorMX

Etere CensorMX is a reliable, powerful and user-friendly Live Censorship and Time Delay platform.

Etere Channel-in-the-Cloud

Etere Channel in the Cloud encompasses all the features you need for a cloud playout and management.

Etere DiskLibrary

It manages mixed archive base on sleeping disks and is a cost-efficient alternative to LTO and ODA.

Etere ETX

Etere ETX empowers you with all the playout features you need to bring a channel on air.

Etere HSM Archive

Etere HSM, Disk Library and Geographic Redundant Archive provides flexibility to move and archive.

Etere Master Control

Etere Master Control enhances your live broadcast with a fully digital master control panel.

Etere Media Asset Management

Etere MAM orchestrates your end-to-end management of digital assets and metadata.

Etere Memory

A reliable compliance logger that records and stores all transmission in a low resolution format.

Etere NDI Newsroom

Etere integrates seamlessly with Newtek NDI to deliver unlimited streams for live news production.

Etere Nunzio Newsroom

Etere Nunzio is a NRCS with integrated features to develop a story idea to ideation to broadcast.