BaM Shop:
Virtual sets and chromakey
Virtual sets and chromakey |
Graphics and keying systems for virtual sets and green-screen production.

Bluefish444 KRONOS Elektron
KRONOS Elektron features 8 high-density BNC connectors capable of 3G/HD/SD-SDI with 12bit processing

Aximmetry Virtual Production Platform
Virtual studio and 3D graphics software for the broadcast and entertainment industries.
This graphics platform is based on the UE4 gaming engine and is capable of photorealistic scenery.
Trackless Studio
Trackless Studio is an all-in-one virtual production tool with an intuitive purpose-built interface.

A high performance multi-channel chroma key that uses cutting-edge technology.
UX Xperience
A flexible & customizable control platform with an easy-to-use intuitive touchscreen user interface.


EZtrack is our newest proprietary camera tracking system for Virtual Production.

Reality Engine
Award-winning real-time photorealistic 3D Virtual Studio and Augmented Reality platform.

Reality Keyer
Reality Keyer is the world’s first and only real-time image based keyer that works on GPU.

StarTracker Studio
The first pre-configured complete virtual studio system.

Safire 3 chroma keyer
Modular 3G/HD/SD SDI real-time chroma keyer.

Augmented Reality/Virtual Sets

NEP provides turn-key packages for Augmented Reality and Virtual Sets