Cloud Technologies - IABM Single BaM Product

Cloud Technologies - IABM Single BaM Product

Cloud Technologies

Cloud Technologies


Taking media technology to the cloud.

Our cloud architects are here to help with the architecture, design, and implementation of your media technology cloud services. We work with clients to deliver proof of concept exercises to production platforms, and development of automation and abstraction tools and layers to move and manage assets, extract analytics, integrate BSS and OSS, and more, into high availability, fast and secure cloud-based ecosystems.

All of our media solutions architects are technical experts with more than 15 years of hands-on experience in the media world. They’ll work with you to define requirements and objectives and develop a comprehensive set of planning, test/validation, migration and deployment strategies to maximise the return on your cloud projects.

The industries biggest myth is that media and cloud don’t mix well. Let our proven success in this area help change your mind.

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