Mediascalex Origin - IABM Single BaM Product

Mediascalex Origin - IABM Single BaM Product

MediaScaleX // Origin

MediaScaleX // Origin


The MediaScaleX // Origin platform enables content service providers to ingest, host, transform, record and distribute video content to any device, at any time, over any network. It uses a common integrated architecture to enable live video streaming, video on demand, catch up TV, restart TV, and cloud DVR services to IP devices and traditional set-top boxes.

Integrated content adaptation for Just-In-Time IP packaging and encryption ensures the content is delivered using adaptive bitrate (ABR) formats and content protection methods (DRM) needed for all end users’ devices.  MediaScaleX // Origin eliminates the time and cost of pre-processing content into multiple formats and DRM encryption schemes.

MediaScaleX // Origin can be deployed on-premise, in a private cloud or in a public cloud.  It can be provided as an appliance with qualified and guaranteed hardware, or as a software-only package for qualified hardware configurations including VM (Virtual Machine) and Container-based environments.

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