Piracy Iq - IABM Single BaM Product

Piracy Iq - IABM Single BaM Product




Piracy-iQ is a groundbreaking service for measuring streaming piracy consumption over internet service provider (ISP) networks that allows content owners, programmers and pay TV providers to assess the impact of piracy on their businesses and track the performance of their content protection services.

Until now, the content protection marketplace hasn’t offered the analytical tools needed to truly understand the scale of piracy consumption and the effectiveness of anti-piracy services. With Piracy-iQ, content theft can be precisely measured and additional security countermeasures can be deployed in a highly targeted manner based on accurate data.

With unmatched managed services for watermarking and global monitoring using fingerprint-based content recognition, Friend MTS helps Pay-TV operators, rights holders and broadcasters control where their video content flows. An industry first,

Piracy-iQ provides illicit content monitoring and IP address capture, and it enhances the reporting of third-party network flow analysis systems to streamline the generation of piracy analytics. The service enables real-time and post-event analytics with rapid and in-depth reporting of piracy consumption patterns. By using this data, the performance of key anti-piracy services, such as subscriber watermarking, can be monitored more effectively on an ongoing basis.


Piracy-iQ operates in both fixed and mobile broadband environments, and it delivers unmatched monitoring speed and effectiveness. It has already been tested by major content owners, pay TV platforms and ISPs to quantify streaming piracy consumption, as well as to target highly effective action against illegal redistribution.

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