Synamedia Media Edge Gateway (MEG)

Synamedia Media Edge Gateway (MEG)

Synamedia Media Edge Gateway (MEG)

Synamedia Media Edge Gateway (MEG)


Based on Synamedia’s award-winning virtualized Digital Content Manager (DCM) architecture and its PowerVu IRD technologies, the new Media Edge Gateway is ideal for video service providers that are deploying in hybrid environments, looking to test out new channels or launching point-in-time updates such as for natural disasters, and events. This new service enables cost-effectiveness, flexibility and adaptability in creating new application-specific edge gateways including an ATSC 3.0 receiver and SMPTE 2110 decoder with further commercial, function, positioning and form adaptations to be added in the future.

The Media Edge Gateway can reduce go-to-market schedules from weeks to mere minutes using automation, the resulting benefit of its software-based architecture. This approach creates more value for end customers while offering video service providers new monetization paths.  Additionally, it enables customers to experiment or launch varying business models including SaaS options and subscription-based packages.

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