Tactic - IABM Single BaM Product

Tactic - IABM Single BaM Product




Sports analysis and telestration with Tactic is fast! We include advanced features to make the operator’s work as quick as possible to support fast moving sports shows. On screen presenters can present all the action live via on screen tablets or large touchscreens using customised and branded controls. You can easily add Tactic into your existing operations by integrating with all the main broadcast replay servers or use generic storage.

  • Automatic player detection is built on our machine learning for fast and accurate presentations.

  • Available in 3 versions so you can match budget to features – upgrade at any time.

  • Add tablet control for slick on air presenter led story telling.

  • Free online training videos to get the most from your purchase.

  • Free trial downloads of the software.

  • Suitable for any type of sport – and no extra charges.

  • Wide range of broadcast format support – HD, UHD, HDR, SDI, ST2110, NDI.

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