Vpms Editmate - IABM Single BaM Product

Vpms Editmate - IABM Single BaM Product




Increasing numbers of editing projects and an exponentially rising level of media and metadata is challenging for everyone. Regardless of how disciplined and careful we are, the complexity of editing projects can confuse people and disrupt metadata, slowing the pace of work and increasing the ad-ministrative burden. EditMate solves this by bringing all your projects and media into a single, searchable library – eliminating complex folder structures and putting all your projects at your finger-tips.

EditMate manages your project templates, automatically importing commonly used media (idents, graphics, bugs etc) into projects where needed and setting up sequence parameters.

The high bit-rates of professional video, and the resulting large file sizes can make remote working at best a chore and quite often impractical. EditMate is available with a unique, adaptive streaming en-gine that works with the available bandwidth to deliver a high quality “proxy” – giving you the full Adobe® Premiere® experience and toolset but without the need to copy large media files locally. Once you’ve completed your edit, or need to export all or part of a sequence to send for review, simply “check in” the parts you need and all the rendering and high-res creation will happen back in the facility or wherever the original material is stored.

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