Sony - IABM Member Company Details

Sony - IABM Member Company Details

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The company is one of the leading manufacturers of electronic products for the consumer and professional markets.


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Offices located in

Country Address
UK 2.01, Edinburgh House, 170 Kennington Lane, London, SE11 5DP
USA 5301 Blue Lagoon Drive, Suite 501, Miami, Miami Dade
UK Viables Industrial Estate, Baisingstoke, Hampshire, RG22 4SB
Hong Kong Suite 702, 7/F., Exchange Tower, 33 Wang Chiu Road, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon
China 701 Citychamp Building, No.12 Tai Yang Gong, Zhong Lu, 100028
Brazil Av. Augusto Severo, 8 SL 202, Rio de Janeiro, 20021-040
UK The Heights, Brooklands, Weybridge, Surrey, KT13 0XW
France 49/51 Quai de Dion Bouton, Puteaux, 92800
USA 115 West Century Road, Suite 250, Paramus,
Germany Kemperplatz 1, 10785, Berlin,
Portugal Av. D. João II, Nº 44C, Piso 6.3; Edifício Atlantis, Parque das Nações, Lisboa
Brazil Rua Werner Von Siemens, 111, Sao Paulo
Belgium DAVOS Building, DaVincilaan 7 - D1, Zaventem, 1935
UK Pencoed Technology Centre, Pencoed, Mid Glamorgan, CF35 5HZ
USA 10202 West Washington Blvd, Culver City, CA, 90232
Singapore 2 International Business Park, #01-10 Tower One, The Strategy, Singapore, 609930
Italy Via Angelo Rizzoli, Milano, 4 - 20132
Japan 4-14-1 Asahi-cho, Atsugi-shi, Kanagawa, 243-0014


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