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Agile Devices

Deliver and manage your TV service through both hardware and software on multiple devices

Agile Experience

Deliver the best video experience on multiple devices.

Agile Management

Deliver and manage your TV service on multiple devices.

Agile Processing

An end-to-end audio, video and subtitles processing platform for video content

Air Fly Pro w/Blue Pill Inside

Air Fly Pro w/Blue Pill Inside – the Air Fly on steroids


Automated content playout to suit any purpose, designed to exceed the demands of on-air playout

AirBox Mega ICX

Integrated web-based application for playout, insertion, scheduling, content ingest and HTML5 graph


AirShip is a super lightweight protective case that offers a significant weight saving against size.

ALEXA SXT W Basic Camera Set

SXT W – A Fully Wireless Camera. Integrated wireless video Integrated WiFi

Amazon Fire TV App Development

Develop for Amazon Fire TV, one of the most popular OTT platforms in the world.

Amino Devices

Android TV, Linux, and RDK STBs helping Pay TV providers deliver great content to the consumer TV.

Amino Engage

Cloud-based SaaS platform to enhance customer support and provide centralized device management