Transcription Services - IABM Single BaM Product

Transcription Services - IABM Single BaM Product

Transcription services

Transcription services


Take 1’s video transcription service provides fast, accurate and affordable transcripts that deliver ongoing value throughout the content supply chain. We offer a range of transcription products to suit all budgets and workflows.

Fast: Our global team of transcribers type while you sleep, providing an overnight turnaround on 99% accurate transcripts. And we never miss a deadline.

Accurate: Our highly skilled, professional transcription team provides unrivalled accuracy to speed up your edits, satisfy your broadcast deliverables and inform localization and access services.

Affordable: We offer a range of transcription services to suit every budget and quote each project according to your specific requirements.  We don’t bill extra for timecoded transcripts or multiple speakers and we don’t do hidden charges – what we quote is what you’ll pay.  And projects with less pressing deadlines qualify for discounted rates.

Flexible: We understand production workflows and we know that no two projects are the same so we support a range of formats and can deliver your transcript in whatever layout works for you.  All of our transcripts are Scriptsync, Premiere Pro and FCP compatible and we also provide foreign language transcription services.

Leading technology

We have developed our own technology to help our clients unlock the power of words. Our Liberty Platform delivers transcriptions as structured, searchable data that can be easily repurposed into the various documents and reports needed for global content production and distribution while Take 1 Cloud enables seamless and secure video transcription workflows for the company’s worldwide client base.

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