Nanocdn Multicast Abr - IABM Single BaM Product

Nanocdn Multicast Abr - IABM Single BaM Product

nanoCDN multicast ABR

nanoCDN multicast ABR


Broadpeak’s nanoCDN resolves the two principal issues explaining why HTTP Adaptive bitrate (ABR) still struggles to replace Broadcast TV: scalability and quality of experience. By adding the efficiency of multicast to the new multiscreen and personalized experience of ABR format, the solution offers a unique opportunity to elevate IPTV to the next level. With this new full-ABR generation of IPTV, viewers can seamlessly navigate between Live and Time-shift, from their main screen to any mobile devices and get personalized content, all this with no compromise on the quality of their experience and at no extra cost for the operator.


nanoCDN has been specifically designed to avoid any kind of regression compared to traditional Broadcast. In particular, it implements optimizations for ultra-low latency such as HTTP chunked transfer encoding and CMAF chunking, bringing down the latency after encoding to a negligible amount.


In summary, nanoCDN is the opportunity for TV operators to finally unify delivery to the main screen and to all other screens into one single full-ABR IPTV system.

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