Rights Out - IABM Single BaM Product

Rights Out - IABM Single BaM Product

Rights Out

Rights Out


With Rights Out, MEDIAGENIX extends rights management to content distribution and licensing. Integrated with WHATS’ON this cloud-native solution completes your overview on the consumption of rights across scheduling and sales. Rights Out cuts through the complexity and pitfalls of selling rights, eliminates time consuming chores, and leaves more time to optimise a key revenue stream.

Rights Out supports the complete sales workflow, enabling your commercial department or distribution unit to

  • manage a catalogue of saleable rights;

  • ensure that rights can be shared across scheduling and sales departments;

  • make a proposal to the market, or at request of a potential customer, and define clearly the licensed rights, conditions, pricing;

  • be warned about conflicts with your own exploitation right and the already sold rights;

  • process the actions to be performed in order to conclude a deal: clearing rights with actors, archives, rights owners;

  • finalize the deal via a deal memo document that will officialise the agreement;

  • manage the costs and revenue distribution to the various parties involved.

The sales catalogue lists the titles that can be sold as well as the distribution rights, which describe where, when and how these titles can be sold.

Supporting offers and deals

Offers and Deals in Rights Out support the sales workflow with (potential) buyers. Additional information about the proposal will be stored according as the offer converts into a deal. Throughout this entire workflow the licence rights capture the rights information you are selling to the buyer. On the licence right you will, for instance, specify that the deal concerns a TVOD right in Australia for three months, in English, for 10,000 euros and that the buyer has exclusive rights within the first month.

Rights Out also supports the sales of holdbacks, which grant additional exclusivity to the buyer.

Keeping track of tasks

In order to finalise the deal, additional clearing for a music piece might be needed, or additional subtitles need to be produced. You can keep track of all this work to avoid that the deal is jeopardized because crucial steps have been skipped.

Suppliers, Rights Holders and Revenue Distribution further help to ensure that the negotiated price covers all of the costs and fees of a proposal to a customer.

Scheduling and distribution in perfect synch

Once the deal with the customer is finalised, the rights information will impact the scheduling department, which might have to reschedule your top-running show, because it has been sold exclusively. All of this information is synchronised seamlessly between both systems and both the scheduling and distribution departments will be kept up to date of any upcoming changes.

Dashboards in Rights Out can help to ensure that deadlines are met or help to better understand which titles are most profitable.

Cutting through complexity and eliminating time consuming and error-prone chores, you will find more time to close more deals with optimum efficiency.

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