Vsncrea - IABM Single BaM Product

Vsncrea - IABM Single BaM Product




VSNCrea is the company’s new software for TV, radio and second-screen traffic and scheduling. It enables the management of a company’s content production catalog, either owned or acquired from third parties, as well as its advertising, production workflows, programming and broadcast planning — all from a single user interface.

VSNCrea has been completely redesigned to offer broadcasters a brand-new, modern and user-friendly web interface that allows them to make quick and accurate decisions about when to broadcast a certain piece of content, thanks to its unified functionalities and workflows in one single interface.

It also provides useful extra information such as analytical data about the actual profitability of the content. As it is HTML5-based, the software will be accessible anytime anywhere from any web browser and device by multiple users simultaneously. Also, the possibility of running this software in the cloud will enhance the ability of users and departments to work together on a more collaborative basis.

The system can be used specifically within TV channels, radio stations or web TV platforms for traffic and scheduling, programming planning, advertising management and control of third-party TV rights acquired for broadcast, among others.

The system also includes a Smart Ads module that simplifies the management of campaigns in an automatic and intelligent way. It allows you to establish broadcast rules by time slots (e.g. children’s content slots) to have greater control over the advertising that is broadcast and even manage different price ranges depending on the time slot and channel.

Other features include the ability to change language within the user interface, the consolidation of the final broadcast and the analysis of the programming and content return on investment (ROI) through analytical reports.

The VSNCrea traffic and scheduling system now also includes a content scheduling module for non-linear channels that allows for easy integration with any non-linear environment (Vod, OTT, Web TV, etc.), as well as a SaaS contracting option.

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