Brightcove Gallery - IABM Single BaM Product

Brightcove Gallery - IABM Single BaM Product

Brightcove Gallery

Brightcove Gallery


PUBLISH IMMERSIVE VIDEO EXPERIENCES ANYWHERE Delight and engage with customized video experiences. Now you can create a wide variety of in-page layouts including carousels, grids, and playlists, that dynamically change before, during and after video play. Plus, add interactive elements both inside and outside the video player. Then, easily embed these layouts in your websites, landing pages, blogs, and email campaigns.

LAUNCH YOUR VIDEO GALLERY IN MINUTES Easy to launch. Easy to maintain. Gallery’s user-friendly interface, SaaS hosting, and integration with the Brightcove Video Cloud means you can create an entire video gallery in less than 15 minutes and update it without any technical resources.

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