Testwizard - IABM Single BaM Product

Testwizard - IABM Single BaM Product




Testwizard Suite Version 2.4 is an Open Test Automation Infrastructure, that along with the rack-based hardware allows multiple applications to be tested with test jobs being distributed to each device individually. This allows parallel testing using testing resources in the most efficient way, shortening the execution time of your testing and providing quick feedback on software quality. Using TestWizard the time spent on repetitive testing tasks is highly reduced while test coverage and test consistency is guaranteed.

The unrivalled architecture of TestWizard allows automated testing of full end-to-end user scenarios involving multiple device types such as Set-Top Boxes, web applications, mobile devices and web services.

Test Automatically on Any Target Device Type:

Automated testing of multiple devices: mobiles, tablets, STBs, web services, web apps, TVs

Industry leading and format independent video output testing: SD / HD all supported

Reuse the same tests on different models and platforms

Mobile support for Android and iOS, along with Android TV/set top boxes and applications

Powerful and Intuitive Test Authoring:

Easy to use test creation environment, designed for testers without coding skills

Includes intuitive Wizards (e.g. OCR, video and audio comparing algorithms) and commands

Availability of fully functional development and debug environment

Data driven testing by using customisable parameters

Flexible and Extensible Test Execution Environment:

Support for multiple simultaneous devices under test that scales with use: easy to expand as you require

Integrated with third party applications such as continuous integration tools, test case management and monitoring tools

Secure, cloud based test manager supports flexible scaling, multi-tenant approach with geographically distributed sites

Enables remote testing with remote viewing of video output

End-to-end automation from head-end to end-user-device with multiple devices controlled from a single test

Plugin SDK enables developers to create own functions/commands and integrate them in TestWizard

Audio integration that allows operators to listen to audio during test execution on set top boxes

Support Many Different Test Styles and Purposes:

Suitable for integration testing, regression testing, functional and non-functional testing

Advanced resource management, supporting concurrent testing without interdependencies

Use for automated monitoring and diagnostics

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