Oasys Integrated Playout - IABM Single BaM Product

Oasys Integrated Playout - IABM Single BaM Product

OASYS Integrated Playout

OASYS Integrated Playout


OASYS Integrated Playout is designed for broadcasters of all sizes from one or two channel facilities to mid-size operations with 3 to 12 channels or service providers with 50 or more channels.

OASYS eliminates the need for purpose-built devices and maximizes your investment in C.O.T.S, consumer-off-the-shelf hardware, making it easier to support and maintain. This approach also reduces your overall requirement for hardware and multiple support contracts.

The OASYS software modules provide flexibility to design a system, regardless of size, that meets your specific needs for today and the future, making OASYS fully scalable and feature rich and future-proof.

OASYS is a fully scalable, feature-rich playout solution that combines:

·       SDI, IP and UHD

·       Ingest and recording

·       Program Preparation

·       Captioning and Subtitling

·       Traffic and Scheduling

·       Switching

·       Playout and Graphics

·       Secondary Recording

·       Logging and Reporting

·       Redundancy & Archiving

·       Remote Access & Control

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