Aip Monetiz - IABM Single BaM Product

Aip Monetiz - IABM Single BaM Product




Our AIP Monetiz Service offers you a revenue opportunity, based on a unique rev share model. Monetize all or part of the newly created SSAI inventory and focus on your core publishing activities. DAIConnect® easily detects your unsold inventory and helps you find solutions in terms of latency issues, ad setup problems or reporting discrepancies. Together with our ad network partners, we make a second attempt to sell unsold inventory, without comprising the CPM, ad quality or user experience.

Bridging Worlds

The AIP Monetiz Service and our DAIConnect SSAI platform bridges the worlds between video delivery and the AdTech components.

Making IT Simple

We take care of the complexities of monetizing CTV and Video ad inventory, including FAST channels.


We manage the complete integration of ad insertion into the video delivery infrastructure and take care of the ad insertion rules and processes.

Adops Team

We take care of all the Ad Operation part, ad inventory presentation to our monetization partners and take care of the daily work and reporting.

Data Management

We ensure that data are existing, correct, adapted, formatted, curated and presented as ready to buy by SSP’s and DSP’s partners.


We centralize the ad inventory for your Ad Sales solutions and can provide a technical layer unifying the ad delivery to the AdTech solution.

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