Daiconnect Ssai Platform - IABM Single BaM Product

Daiconnect Ssai Platform - IABM Single BaM Product

DAIConnect – SSAI Platform

DAIConnect – SSAI Platform


Ad Insertion Platform’s DAIConnct SSAI platform functions as an enhanced solution to manage server-side-ad-insertions for live and on-demand content. Our technology enables dynamic and personalized insertion of video advertising via HLS and Mpeg-DASH protocols, guaranteeing a best-in-class end-user experience without buffering or latency issues.

DAIConnect Suite is composed of 4 independent components working together to fulfil exact customer needs.

  • Ad Break Composer

  • DAI Manifest Manipulator

  • DAI Optimizer

  • DAI Insight

The Ad Break Composer:

The Ad Break Composer is the core component of the solution.

It is in charge among other features to:

  • Create, edit and apply rules for each ad break and each user based on multiple parameters.

  • Mix ads coming from one or more ad server/SSP combined with optional ad bumpers, interstitials or promos

  • Add external and contextual data to target your audience

  • Validate creatives and adapt creatives video formats, apply or change tags/categories

  • Benefit from the various ad inventory split features (volume, device, SCTE35 event ID …)

  • Adapt the insertion workflow as needed day per day or minutes per minutes without interruption or downtime

  • Manage dynamically ad parameters from player query parameters or with default values, per channel, time period, VOD catalogs

  • Configurable Ad server prefetching

The DAI Manifest Manipulator:

This component is the processor in charge of the manifest manipulation for SSAI. It is executing the following tasks: 

  • Manipulate the HLS or MPEG-DASH manifest for each user to enable one-to-one targeting ad insertion; the Ad Pod created by the Ad Break Composer is inserted for each user session

  • Manage multiple HLS tags for ad insertion (#EXT-X-CUE-OUT/IN, #EXT-OATCLS-SCTE35, #EXT-X-DATERANGE-)

  • Support HLS versions v3 and higher

  • Push on storage ad trackers information for server-side ad tracking

  • Insert additional information in the manifest (for client-side tracking for example)

  • Provide a monitoring interface to detect any issue coming from the sources, the system itself or third components like ad servers

The DAI Insights

Data is critical for customers and our DAIConnect is the bridge between these two words. This position is ideal to be able to store, analyze and process data coming from the Adtech components or the video delivery part.

DAI Insight provide so features like:

  • Validate / Analyze your ad insertion number regarding ad servers

  • Get insights on your ad performance and fill rate

  • Analyze data regarding audiences even if the CDN delivery is not done by yourself

  • Easy dashboard to get insights on audience, device split, ad insertions, etc.

  • Transparent data view, available to different parties (Device Manufacturers, Broadcasters / Publisher, Content owner…)

  • Allow data storage activation to be able to generate graphs and reports

DAI Optimizer

The main function for this component is to provide services allowing:

  • Optimizing the value of the ad inventory by enabling unified header bidding auctions with AIP ad Network.

  • Connections to multiple demand sources to retrieve the highest revenue for each opportunity.

  • Work with multiple ad partners to sell your unsold inventory at the best price.

  • Increase programmatic revenues and fill rate.

Why we are different

For broadcasters and video content providers, an inherent tension exists between the need to deliver a premium viewing experience – complete with start-over and time-shifted TV functionality – and to monetize streaming video offerings and services. The challenge of monetizing over-the-top (OTT) video content will only continue to grow as viewership on connected devices increases.

Ad Insertion Platform goes beyond SSAI and offers an end-to-end solution to meet market demands:

  • User Interface, many SSAI solutions are API managed. At AIP, we decided to provide a full-feature platform. It can of course be managed by API, but it has a user-friendly interface allowing not only technical DevOps to work on the platform but also staff coming from the Adtech universe.

  • Workflow and orchestration management through the “Ad Break Composer” application. All SSAI have quite basic features, managing ad bumpers, one call to an ad server and a final filler. Our solution provides a workflow editor to create events on a calendar. Each event contains the workflow that the SSAI will do when detecting an ad break. Many features are included as for example Volume Split, that allows to do a specific action or call for x% of the simultaneous viewer and another process for the rest. Or device split, to define what to insert for mobile users for example and what to insert for CTV users that will be different.

  • Monitoring: DAIConnect includes a monitoring view allowing to detect any issue on production regarding the input streams, the platform itself or the third parties’ elements like ad servers.

  • Statistics and data: Our DAI Insight component allows our customer to retrieve data and statistics about their service. All data can come from the video delivery part (like audiences) or from the Ad tech third parties, like the number of ads inserted, fill-rates, number of missed opportunities, etc.

  • One solution for FAST and AVOD. The platform is managing from a simple interface live and VOD offers allowing the customer to have a central solution for both services

  • Complex encoding workflow. The solution is natively multi-CDN, DAIConnect proposes a user interface to define the encoding workflow and ad delivery processes.

  • Ad reviewing, as the system can call multiple ad servers and can also add ads coming from programmatic, if the customer wants to guarantee that the ads are compliant with their rules, the platform can block non-reviewed ads and is providing an interface to make a visual validation by the user.

  • Multi-cloud deployment. The solution runs on multiple public cloud infrastructures like AWS and Google Cloud Platform but can also be deployed on-premises for operators willing to do SSAI on their own infrastructure and CDN.

  • Simplicity: we take care of the complexity of ad insertion and bridge the gap between the video delivery infrastructure and the AdTech components, so you can focus on your content.

  • Fully agnostic: as we serve as an abstraction layer, we can work with major ad servers, SSPs and DSPs assuring retrieval of all the market demand for your inventory.

  • Independency: with our DAIConnect platform your ad pod management is not linked to your ad server, giving you flexibility for the ad break composition rules and logic.

  • Transparency: instead of using the “blackbox” SSAI component from your ad server, you can have full control and transparency.

  • Cost optimization: changing parameters if your inventory sales are not performing is easy and does not require additional technical integration costs

  • Monitoring: we offer full insights and access to aggregated data regarding audiences and ad insertion statistics to analyze your KPI.

Additional information

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