Lns Cloud 9 - IABM Single BaM Product

Lns Cloud 9 - IABM Single BaM Product

LNS Cloud 9

LNS Cloud 9


iOMedia Group announces another world first. LNS Cloud 9 – cloud native, custom built for efficient and accurate journalism, and lightening fast publishing to any platform available today or in the future.

LNS Cloud 9 provides the first powerful software and workflow tools for live news and sport planning, input, output, story centric collaboration, OTT and digital publishing. End to end simplicity, efficiency and reliability. With the success of deep culture change experience to harness new technology.

Like our On Premises and Hybrid/ SaaS systems, LNS Cloud 9 workflows have been developed by software savvy journalists and producers who wanted something “better”. iOMedia Group announces another world first. LNS Cloud 9 – cloud native, custom built for efficient and accurate journalism, and lightening fast publishing to any platform available today or in the future.

LNS Cloud 9 provides the first powerful software and workflow tools for live news and sport planning, input, output, story centric collaboration, OTT and digital publishing. End to end simplicity, efficiency and reliability. With the success of deep culture change experience to harness new technology.

Like our On Premises and Hybrid/ SaaS systems, LNS Cloud 9 workflows have been developed by software savvy journalists and producers who wanted something “better”.

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