Mistv - IABM Single BaM Product

Mistv - IABM Single BaM Product




M.I.S. is a software and TV solutions company that produces and sells complete solutions to media sellers and TV broadcasters. Our product MISTV is a complex, highly-integrated software solution designed for efficient management of TV stations. Above efficient handling of standard daily operations, MISTV is focused on two main goals which are the economical keys for a successful TV station.

1. TV station operations (Station Management system):Help you make your station efficient. Control the broadcasting plan costs and effective use of library, which is undoubtedly the greatest asset that a TV station has.

2. Air-time sales (Advertising sales):Help you maximize your revenue from air-time sales. Get the maximum revenue possible from the available inventory.

The two basic modules are accompanied with an additional basic module called OnlineBussinessAnalyzer which is a highly sophisticated, efficient, and user-friendly reporting tool.

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