Polymotion Stage - IABM Single BaM Product

Polymotion Stage - IABM Single BaM Product

Polymotion Stage

Polymotion Stage


Polymotion Stage is the world’s first multi-solution mobile volumetric capture studio. For the very first time, content creators can easily capture volumetric assets at any location. The unique mobile studio environment that Polymotion Stage provides allows the creation of volumetric video, volumetric stills and avatars in any given surroundings, and in effect can be transported to where it’s needed, such as a broadcast studio or movie set. It has been developed by world leaders in camera robotics and automated broadcast solutions, MRMC, a Nikon Group company, in partnership with Dimension, leaders in volumetric capture and advanced virtual humans.

Our capture solutions can be deployed quickly to wherever the talent is on location. Our flight-ready Dome can be flat-packed and sent to any location with crew to allow volumetric capturing in remote locations or on set. The Truck, available from Autumn 2019, transforms and expands into a secure and private capture space in a matter of hours.

The state-of-the-art capture stage is comprised of 106 video cameras, capturing video at either 2k or 4k resolution. The cameras are positioned with 96 around the capture volume facing inwards, and 10 above pointing down. With multi-directional microphones, we can capture spatial audio or reference tracks to be sent to sound design.

When you shoot in the Polymotion Stage, the clients project is being managed and created by a specialist team who have worked with some of the biggest companies and names in the world. The resulting output are MP4 (which are small and flexible) and OBJ files meaning they can be used in a variety of traditional media, including broadcast, or 2D video, or in augmented, and virtual reality applications without unnecessary strain on your devices.


For an efficient way to produce exciting 2D and 3D renders from the same capture, our circular array of high-resolution cameras provide incredible detail at the press of a button. You can take the raw data and work with your preferred post-production team, or we can polish the assets to have them ready to go.


Volumetric video allows you to pause, rotate and get closer to the talent. This exciting format provides you with a 3D video of the performance that can be used augmented into live broadcast, immersive, and traditional media formats.

For sports broadcasts, this could create new ways to provide analysis and commentary on performance. For live entertainment, this opens up new creative camera angles to delight your audience. The possibilities are endless.


Our multi-purpose Polymotion stages allow you to quickly capture your talent in static poses. Once captured, their digital models are taken through our avatar pipeline, making them ready to be animated or driven by mocap data.

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