Stereoplacer - IABM Single BaM Product

Stereoplacer - IABM Single BaM Product




Pan control for the 21st century

Stereoplacer is an advanced fine-tune parametric balancing control. You can tune each band into specific frequencies and move the frequency content around in the stereo sound stage. Just choose the position you want, and let Stereoplacer take care of preserving the balance of the original sounds.

Choose the frequencies you want to fix and move them anywhere, leaving the rest of the stereo image intact. Make improvements in any area of the sound stage without causing problems elsewhere. Stereoplacer gives you precise control you just can’t get within a traditional mix setup.

Enhance recordings

Focus in on the frequencies you want to move using the intuitive solo controls and then tweak/fix/align them in the stereo panorama without affecting any other regions – simple, quick and effective!

  • Fix poor recordings

  • Ideal for restoration

  • Reposition complex audio

  • Reconstruct mono image

  • Dynamic visual feedback

  • Harmonic capture

Flexible controls

With fully adjustable curves (bell, high and low shelving and even additional linked-harmonic overtones) you can redistribute stereo information with subtlety, or make powerful corrections – even moving hard-panned frequencies from one side to the other – without affecting the overall level balance of the material.

‘Panning’ the bass

Sometimes a mix calls for a bass element, say the bass guitar track, to be panned away from the centre. Often this is best avoided as off-centre high energy in the low frequencies can create more problems than it resolves. Using Stereoplacer, however, the low frequencies can be kept in the centre whilst higher frequencies (i.e. the attack component) are moved across the stereo field with a shelving band. This gives the impression that the bass part has been panned, when really only the high, directional frequencies have been affected.

You can also achieve the opposite effect, pulling stray low frequencies back into the centre without affecting the entire sound.

With each node it is possible to add a number of additional harmonically linked bell curves, all referenced from the one ‘root’ control point.

For post production and restoration

Re-position specific elements or achieve gentle linear phase adjustment of your entire mix. Extrapolate and re-balance poorly positioned instruments whilst leaving the rest of the soundfield intact. You can even add stereo detail to previously mono recordings, leaving the original character intact.

Typical applications

  • Panning sounds in sample loops

  • Fixing poor microphone placement

  • Shifting problem frequencies

  • Double tracking stereo distribution

  • Extrapolating poorly panned sounds

Additional information

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