Change Management - IABM Single BaM Product

Change Management - IABM Single BaM Product

Change Management

Change Management


Embracing the human factor


Every company has to deal with change processes frequently. New technology, enhanced solutions and improved workflows are being introduced at a breath-taking pace.

Such changes are sometimes decided on and enforced come hell or high water. The human factor is often not taken into account. The result: overburdening and demotivation on all fronts. Refusal and apathy result in increased errors. Moaners gain momentum and slow down the process; sickness rates rise. Finally, technology or workflow solutions are declared as having failed.

Companies that master these challenges secure the successful outcome of projects and the intended ROI. They act instead of reacting. They are capable of taking actions and demonstrate leadership. They know that good Change Management secures the path to success.


Broadcasters are subject to constant change. No other term is so overused as those regarding change. And Change Management is one of them. In order for new technology or workflows to be successful, Change Management is mandatory. Change Management consists of measures and activities intended to implement planned changes in organizations. If technological transition is to be successful, new strategies, structures, systems or practices must be established and implemented. This works particularly well when the people who are involved in such processes are brought on board. Nobody is happy with a “take it or leave it” approach. Companies that are faced with technological changes but do not look out for their employees in the process of implementation are obsolete.

Whoever wants to maximize ROI brings professionals into the company. Their experience in managing change make the difference. This ensures the success of organizational change processes. New technologies and workflow solutions usually imply major changes. Many job descriptions will evolve. Executives and project managers can either sit back and let things happen passively, or be proactive and create the best outcome, thus securing the business case.


Organizations that look for support for their change processes from the beginning have employees, co-workers and vendors on their side.

Strain, sweat and a few calluses cannot tarnish the joy of team spirit and success. Not only the strong are united on a winning team, all participants pull together. The team that best prepares for the change will succeed. When major changes in businesses are accompanied professionally and strategically from the start, problems can be identified before they arise and thus be averted.

Change Management strengthens project managers and executives. Strong leaders motivate and function as role models. They retain employees, increasing loyalty to the company.

Change Management strengthens team members and co-workers.

Strong employees take on new responsibilities and face challenges with dedication and commitment. Rather than only carrying out instructions, they engage in the change process. They become co-entrepreneurs.

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