Aperi Network Address Translation (NAT) & Firewall App

Aperi Network Address Translation (NAT) & Firewall App

Aperi Network Address Translation (NAT) & Firewall App

Aperi Network Address Translation (NAT) & Firewall App


Aperi’s Network Address Translation & Firewall app (“NAT app”) is an FPGA-based application designed for the microserver platform, and is available from the Aperi

App Store. Providing seamless inbound and outbound re-routing of RTP streams within your network infrastructure, NAT app also includes RTP stream health monitoring, which will automatically shut down streams that deviate from a specified policy. Stream replication allows for two distinct output streams with independent IP addresses, ports, and VLANs. Failover can merge multiple source streams, selecting the highest quality single stream and automatically switching to a perfect replication should the

original stream degrade in quality or deviate from policy. The supports the SMPTE 2022 standard for transporting both compressed (2022-2) and uncompressed (2022-6) media flows via IP. NAT app provides an open bandwidth budget across the 10 GbE interfaces, and can route varying numbers of compressed (2022-2) streams depending on size, and up to 6 uncompressed (2022-6) streams per SFP port. It also provides support for the SMPTE 2110 standard, and can route video (2110-20), audio (2110-30), and ancillary data (2110-40) flows independently through networks. NAT app provides an open bandwidth budget across the 10 GbE interfaces, and can route up to 64 independent media flows per port. It offers stream duplication for media flows via SFP, and A/B failover for flows outputting through SFPs.

Technical Information


 4-layer inspection for basic ACL:

 Ethernet: mac.dst, mac.src, vlan, vlanid

 IP: ip.dst, ip.src

 UDP: udp.dst, udp.src

 RTP: rtp.src

 Additional inspection of RTP payloads for ACL

 Ensure 2022-2 payloads conform to transport stream structure and have correct packet count

 Ensure 2022-6 payloads include RTP header extension, SDI types in headers match configured values, and detect if frame size of encapsulated SDI matches configured value

 Ensure presence of RFC4175 payload header and indicated frame size matches configured values; ensure encapsulated raster video frame size matches configured value

Address Translation

 4-layer packet header rewrite enforces complete re-addressing of every packet before egress

 All unicast/multicast mappings are supported

 For multicast flows, flood, IGMPv2 and v3 are supported

Monitoring and Stats

 Ingress statistics include:

 Ethernet: Frames received, FCS errors, packet rate, and total average bandwidth

 Firewall-overall & firewall-per-flow counts total packets dropped, accepted, average speed and bandwidth

 RTP flow shows RTP type (and payload header if applicable), sequence number, transport stream checking, and PDV/inter packet arrival time

 For 2022-2, shows TS packets per payload, TS lock, TS rate, and payload alignment

 For 2022-6, shows SDI type indicated by payload header versus one detected by line/sample counting, and SDI TRS lock and errors

 For RFC4175, shows video raster type indicated by payload header versus type detected by line/sample counting

 Egress statistics show total packet count, packet speed, and average rate per flow and for Ethernet

Hitless Merge

 Configurable PDV buffer depth

 Creates a new regenerated hitless transport with new addressing

 Counts total number of recovered and unrecoverable packets, along with the differential delay between input flows

Additional information

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