Pipe|Bridge, Sport|Bridge, Social|Bridge

Pipe|Bridge, Sport|Bridge, Social|Bridge

Pipe|Bridge, Sport|Bridge, Social|Bridge

Pipe|Bridge, Sport|Bridge, Social|Bridge


Benchmark Broadcast Systems is a consultant and technology partner for media and broadcast companies in Asia. Headquartered in Singapore, we have offices in Chennai, Delhi, Dhaka, Kuala Lumpur and Manila. We have over fifty engineers employed full time by us across these locations. Our systems integration experience spans twenty years and a collective 500+ person-years. We are focused on providing cutting edge technologies for digital media creation, management and distribution to our customers. We do this through our Consultancy, Systems Integration and Managed Services offerings as well as through software development, data integration and solutions for news, business and sports channels. We also implement and deploy Business Process Modules for enterprise MAM systems.

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