Matrixstore Cloud - IABM Single BaM Product

Matrixstore Cloud - IABM Single BaM Product

OM Cloud

OM Cloud


OM Cloud is a storage platform that enables creative and production teams to self-serve access to content from work or remotely from anywhere. It also comes with intuitive media focused interfaces that makes protecting, finding and sharing content easier than ever, therefore empowering creativity and collaboration between global teams.

The platform is based on award-winning Object Matrix object storage and thus extremely secure, tightly integrated to many media platforms, cost effective for low and high volumes of media, and comes with no hidden costs or additional charges to access your data.

Benefits of OM Cloud:

  • Over 8x cheaper than public cloud

  •  Savings of up to £16m over 5 years (based on 10PB)

  •  Predicable costs with fixed annual fees and no additional penalties

  •  Instant and unlimited self-serve access to your content, from anywhere at all times.

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