Advantage Audio Description QC service

Advantage Audio Description QC service

Advantage Audio Description QC service

Advantage Audio Description QC service


Pass and Fail watch folders. Generates human readable reports of detailed file analysis. Configurable for multi-supplier workflows.


Header Checks

·         Check all 3 header blocks are present – Header, Author and Thread Descriptor


Compare Actual Data with Header

·         Check that the first description IN time matches the First Content Timecode in the Thread Descriptor

·         Check that the last description OUT time matches the Last Content Timecode in the Thread Descriptor


Check Data Blocks

·         Check for empty file (no data blocks)

·         Timecode Range check – all descriptions are within specified timecode range

·         Verify description numbers ascend through the file (gaps are allowed)

·         Verify that OUT timecode is greater than IN timecode

·         Overall times overlap – descriptions timecodes must not overlap

·         Check for minimum interval between descriptions


Check Individual Descriptions

·         Verify that every audio file has a filename

·         Check that every description has an associated WAV file

·         Verify that timecodes are valid numbers (not spaces, letters etc.)

·         Check overall duration is not negative

·         Check minimum audio duration – if selected

·         Check maximum audio duration – if selected

·         Check that Fade and Pan data is present and correctly formatted


Check Audio Files

·        Check WAV duration matches the description duration

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