Hyperstore Xtreme - IABM Single BaM Product

Hyperstore Xtreme - IABM Single BaM Product

HyperStore Xtreme

HyperStore Xtreme


Data center space is expensive and in short supply. Efficient use of that space is critical. The new Cloudian HyperStore Xtreme, Powered by Seagate, offers the industry’s highest storage density, letting you make the most of your space and your budget.

At 1.5 petabytes in just 4U of rack height, this new system is  83% more dense than Cloudian’s earlier offerings. And it’s 2X the density of what some big-name competitors offer. Furthermore, because it’s an s3-compatible object storage system — not just a drive array — there’s no additional space needed for controllers.

If you’re in a colo, this reduces rack-inches needed by over 70%. If you’re in your own data center, you can delay expansions and do more with the space you have. Either way, you save cost and can do more with the precious space you have.

The HyperStore Xtreme is made possible by combining two next-gen technologies:

  • Super-dense hardware platform: Seagate supplies a major part of the hyperscaler infrastructure. Now, the most cutting-edge technology is available to you at the same time the hyperscalers get it.

  • Scale-out object storage technology: All hyperscalers rely on scale-out object storage to power their scalable storage environment. The same technology can be part of your shop as well.

The combination give you the benefits previously enjoyed only by the largest cloud providers.

The first 16TB HDDs, and the first 1.5PB 4U

Your competitive advantage is space and cost efficiency. With this design, Seagate has streamlined drive and system integration to accelerate time to market by at least 6 months. This helps you get more efficient gear and get it sooner. This is the first platform with 16TB HDDs in a super-dense 96 drive chassis. Delivering 1.5PB capacity in just 4U of rack height, it also features 1.9TB SSDs for fast metadata access, dual Xeon Silver-based controllers, and eight 10Gb ports.

Cloudian scale-out S3-compatible object storage software

Running on the Seagate chassis is Cloudian’s award-winning software that delivers S3-compatible scale-out enterprise storage. This proven platform offers the industry’s most compatible S3-API, exabyte scalability, exceptional data durability, policy-based data management, and built-in cloud integration with AWS, GCP, and Azure.

Build your private cloud

Private cloud is the fastest growing segment of IT, exceeding the growth of public cloud over the next three years, according to IDC.  Shared services are the path to efficiency, whether at your own facility, at a colocation facility, or at an MSP. Cloudian HyperStore Xtreme offers a rich feature set that make it the ultimate environment for building your private cloud.


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