Marlin Drm - IABM Single BaM Product

Marlin Drm - IABM Single BaM Product

Marlin DRM

Marlin DRM


Marlin DRM is an open-standard specification for digital rights management (DRM) that is applicable to a variety of use cases across content types, content formats, delivery mechanisms and platforms. It offers sophisticated copyrights management for playing entertainment and media content (including audio, video, ebooks, and games) distributed over mobile, broadband, and broadcast networks. Unique to Marlin is its general-purpose rights management architecture that allows for substantial flexibility and control in implementation.

Since Marlin is not a proprietary DRM, it is able to deliver content over any network or physical media. It seamlessly ports licensed content across devices and services in a consumer’s home or personal domain and supports a large and flexible set of business models for content distribution.

Intertrust, Panasonic, Philips, Samsung, and Sony co-founded the Marlin DRM standard in 2005. The technology specifications and test tools that were jointly developed are freely accessible for evaluation on the Marlin DRM website.

Marlin technology is a consumer electronics and mobile friendly technology, compatible with all popular operating systems, platforms, codecs, file formats, and delivery systems. Marlin supports various content distribution models like download, progressive download, streaming, adaptive streaming, multicast and broadcast.

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