MatchBox Analyser
MatchBox Analyser

A Perfect MatchBox
MatchBox Analyser is the constant half of our 2-part solution for lip-sync, coherence and channel identification. With either MatchBox Generator or MatchBox Glass replacing clapper boards and tapping mics, the Analyser is the device at the receiving end that replaces eyes and ears.
MatchBox Analyser looks for the pattern sent by MatchBox Generator or Glass and calculates the time of flight and the difference between what it knows should be there and what it actually receives. Accurate measurements are then provided of the video latency and the delay between the arrival of the sound and associated vision.
This means that guesswork is replaced by a highly accurate, electronic generator and receiver that compose and submit their respective signals to the best and most accurate pair of eyes and ears you could ever imagine, i.e. electronics that know exactly what should line up, and it if doesn’t.
AV Timing
Audio Video timing is measured to a resolution of 0.1ms with a maximum range of +/- 2 seconds. The MatchBox video signal from the generator is tolerant of almost all processing which does not add movement to the centre area of the picture, including up down cross conversion, frame rate conversion and compression.
Coherence is the measure of precise alignment of audio legs with respect to each other. This is especially important with surround sound, where unpleasant comb filtering effects can dramatically distort the frequency response of the system if mistimed audio legs are mixed together. Legs should be kept to within 0.1 audio samples to minimise this effect.
MatchBox measures coherence to a precision of 0.01 samples.
Transport Timing
It is now easy to check the relative timing of SDI video channels against each other and the video reference. The Transport Timing measurement indicates the literal timing of the SDI transport vs another SDI or the reference. This is great to confirm video feeds are genlocked and with the 4K open allows you to instantly confirm that all four feeds of a quadlink program are in line.
Content Timing
What if one of your feeds has perfect transport timing but is a frame delayed? No problem! The MatchBox Analyser also checks the content timing of all the inputs for you.
Audio level is measured to +/-0.01dBFS, using a true peak algorithm, making sure that your levels are spot on.
Has one of your audio legs been inverted through the processing chain? Would you know if it was? With the MatchBox system you will, a simple indication of leg inversion is displayed.
Leg Identification / Channel ordering
Legs crossed? We can tell you that too! A simple display of the tones on each input channel gives immediate indication of what is on which channel… This does what your ears do when listening to BLITS tone but without the listening.
Web Interface
All Analyser values can be read from one page on the web-based control system in a clear and compact format. Status is updated on a second by second basis, so you do not have to wait.
On Screen Display
The MatchBox Analyser passes through the input video and overlays all readings on a simple to understand graphic; again rapidly updating and easy to read. Clear bar graphs give an idea of magnitude of AV errors, with text readout of levels, coherence and source.
Additional information
Related Products:







MatchBox Glass

MatchBox Generator

Network 1

Monitoring and Control (Satellite related services...


BCi Digital Systems Integration

Intraplex LiveLook provides both a real-time analytics as well as a monitoring and notification platform for the IP Link audio codec systems. The analytics capability of LiveLook uses Burst Packet Loss modeling technique to analyze the patterns of packet losses, which is then used by the internal decision tree to provide recommendation on the most effective packet loss mitigation technique of the IP Link to apply.
The monitoring capability can simultaneously collect long-term statistics on multiple audio streams, which can be used for historical analysis. The notification capability creates a separate alarm log for each audio stream and can optionally send email notification to the user on the state of the audio stream.
MatchBox SMPTE ST 2110
You get the same MatchBox features you are used to with SDI, but with ST 2110 interfaces. Still providing the innovative AV lip-sync and latency measurements from MatchBox hardware and Hitomi's free-to-download iOS Glass app.
Also, the IP interfacing options are available on the IdentBox.
Existing customers can easily update their existing hardware to support ST 2110 by adding the ST 2110 to spare slots in their xFrame. Both SDI & ST 2110 interfaces can co-exist in the same xFrame which can hold up to 4 x MatchBox modules.
The Generator acts as a Narrow Gapped sender while the Analyser supports Narrow Gapped, Narrow Linear and Wide senders (see ST 2110-21). And if you need testing coverage over your redundant links, this new interface option also supports ST 2022-7.
YOUBORA gives video providers the comprehensive overview of their end-users’ streaming experience in real time, integrating with players to get the raw data that matters, and translating it into customizable and easily readable dashboards that not only provide businesses with all the data they could need, but also allow them to understand and act upon it in a meaningful way.
The challenge we had was to develop an evolution of our product which could convert extremely complex information into a visual design system intuitive enough to allow clients to identify, create, and stack their own patterns of KPIs, metrics, and dimensions based on the data for their individual service. By working closely with clients and always iterating towards a better version of our product, we were able to create a visual design language simple enough to enable users to obtain the data visibility that they need.
Currently, in version 6, faster and improved analytical capabilities, previously inaccessible mountains of raw data can now be leveraged for a complete range of business needs, from marketing to operations, product, and content departments. At NPAW we strive to provide video platforms with the analytics tools that they need to grow their business. That means we need to be quick, innovative, and forward thinking, always.
YOUBORA is a video intelligence solution that unites video analytics with business intelligence to improve video platforms for both the companies behind them and the people using them.
Building on the success of our horizontal PDUs, used by major broadcasters worldwide, TSL Products introduces a range of vertical power distribution units (VDPUs).
Save Space and Money: The new vertical design utilises unique individually fused IEC Connectors to provide the highest density available, allowing you to save valuable rack space. The design also features low energy consumption for a leaner, greener and more space efficient rack room. The new VPDU has dual 32A inlets, with each inlet powering twenty individually fused C13 outlets.
- Dual 32A inlets, with each inlet powering twenty individually fused C13 outlets.
- High density means the overall unit is only 1767mm.
- Each Outlet is individually fused and has its own status LED.
- A and B Outlets are easily identfiable through the colour coding of status LEDs.
- Easy mounting from rear on sides for extra flexibility and ease of installation.
Our Power Management family has been designed to address the challenges faced by systems managers to effectively maintain system viability, control critical power infrastructures – over local or international networks – to meet targets and increase ROI.
- Dual input seamless auto changeover
- 14 way fused IEC outlets
- Master input setup button with dual tri colour status LEDs
- Input status monitoring GPO on rear D9 connector
- Tri-colour LED input and power indicators
- Rounded cable tie bar
Facilities are generating ever more data, and although this information is readily available from individual devices, it is cumbersome to access and report on when using numerous manufacturer specific portals. Real-time data is hugely beneficial in the daily running of any facility – minimising down-time and decreasing power consumption - as long as it is accessible from a single point where it can be analysed as a whole, rather than having to access and report from individual manufacturer-specific portals.
InSite is a vendor independent solution that brings all of this information together into a single system using industry standard protocols such as SNMP and Modbus.
It can be hosted on premises or in the cloud and will work with a broad range of third party manufacturer of sensor and data centre equipment - in fact any manufacturer who produces object identifier (OID) information.
DID YOU KNOW? InSite can be configured to provide a protected whole system view for central monitoring and individual subsystem viewer for local system monitoring.
The MDU12-PMi is a Power manager mains distribution unit, 12 way, 16 x GPIs, ethernet output monitoring and alarms – email and SNMP, individually controlled latching relays, sequential & delay power up with current sense network monitoring
- Remote Ethernet control of 12 separate outputs via secure web browser
- Overall Status page showing individual & total power consumption
- Power Factor Monitoring
- Sequential, immediate or user configured delayed output startup
- Ethernet input power failure alarm
- Internal temperature sensor with SNMP alarm
- Unit and SNMP configuration via secure web browser interface
- Front Panel LAN status LED
- Tri-colour output status LEDs
- Rounded cable tie bar
- Supplied with Powercon Input connector
- Tri-colour front panel using status LEDs for rapid failure identification
- Intuitive Graphic User Interface (GUI) for ease of set-up
- Self contained operation with all software and hardware functions
The audio options are on separate cards, which are installed or removed from the front of the device. For the more technically inclined, let’s say you’re on an OB truck and you don’t have any customers that currently require Dolby E encoding, but all of a sudden, you land a job for a client who does. In an inflexible world, this was a problem that could cost business, but with xFrame all you have to do you slot in a Dolby E enabled card from Hitomi and away you go.
xFrame means that that audio options are very easy to change, or add to, a MatchBox Analyser configuration. That’s because xFrame is an extremely high quality, modular platform that has four slots to accommodate what the user needs, as well as the ability to configure the modules to suit preferences once installed. That modular flexibility is a significant win for customers, resellers, and Hitomi as a manufacturer.
- Capacity for 4 MatchBox modules with options for expansions (audio, Dolby etc)
- Hot swapable modules
- Frame Ethernet interface to access each module’s web control interface – no need for an external switch
- Hot swapable redundant external power supplies (Included)
- Frame reference distributed to all modules in the frame
- Increased cooling capability with 3 x replaceable fan units – front to side cooling
- Full chassis monitoring including PSUs, fans, references, Modules status, SFP presence and temperature
MatchBox Module Features
- Integrated with frame’s Ethernet for web control
- Integrated with frame’s Video Reference interface
- Video Reference input
- Each Module can support 4 SFPs (8 video interfaces)
IdentBox provides a visual cue on a test pattern and confers the ability to test all the visuals and coms before broadcasting to prevent the possibility of live, on air mishaps.
Text overlaid on a test pattern can be used to indicate what is about to be shown, where, and from what camera. This is extremely useful for those at the other end, where they have loads of feeds coming in. The content has yet to be captured and broadcast, but to test all the visuals and coms beforehand is invaluable.
Even for the best and most experienced professionals, potentially more so with the advent of remote production requirements, it’s easy to get confused. So a visual cue on a test pattern that identifies it exactly is a subtle, but substantial benefit.
Similarly with multiple audio channels, all test tones can sound alike. IdentBox has a text-speech synthesiser so that the spoken word can easily be inserted into audio feeds. For example, after a sequence of tones the voice could say "commentary channel".
Test Tones
Audio tones are easily configurable per channel. Just choose GLITS, BLITS, or continuous tones. Tones can also be conveniently generated as encoded Dolby. All tones are precisely generated at 24 bit resolution.
Audio Idents
No need for the time consuming and inflexible pre-recorded sequences; our text to speech synthesis handles it all for you! You can insert phrases onto the audio outputs at regular intervals and create common prefixes with staggered leg ident to identify channels without the idents talking over each other. All of this is configurable via simple text entry through the web interface, and applied within seconds.
Test Patterns
Once you have a IdentBox you will not need another TPG! Whether you want plain bars, sweeps, ramps, pathological, RP219 bars or even High Dynamic Range (HDR BT2111) our flexible TPG will do the job.... and if the pattern you are looking for is not there, we are happy to add patterns for our valued customers.
Text Idents
Designed for clear readability and contrast. Our text ident generation boasts tidy anti-aliased text with a neat outline for clear display against any background. A range of available fonts, sizes and colours get your line identification across.
Logo/Bug Insertion
Customise your source with a logo or other graphic. Logo insertion allows you to upload and place your graphic keyed into the source.
Video Output
MatchBox has all your SDI needs covered from SD to 12G & ST 2110. A single card can output up to four uniquely idented test patterns at SD, HD or 3G, or a single channel of UHD (quadlink or 12G). With four IdentBoxes loaded into the xFrame that’s 16 outputs in a 1U form factor!
Genlock Input
Lock the video output to Black&Burst or Tri-Level house references.
Web Interface
Simply type the IP address of your IdentBox into a web browser and set it up! This clear and compact interface can be used on any PC, Mac and touch screen device.
MatchBox Glass
The newest member of Hitomi's MatchBox family of solutions for lip-sync and latency, MatchBox Glass is a sophisticated app that allows measurement to be made from in front of the camera on location for the ultimate in professional content.
MatchBox Glass is powerful and, like MatchBox Generator, works with MatchBox Analyser to replace the need for human intervention to test audio and video links. MatchBox Glass ensures that whatever is in front of the camera looks and sounds like it should on screen.
Making the measurement is simple and fast. The user holds an iPhone or iPad running the FREE iOS app in front of up to four cameras. At the other end, the MatchBox Analyser, which has four inputs, when enabled with the licence for Glass, can exactly measure video and audio timing differences – if any – across all four cameras.
The remote MatchBox Analyser in the OB truck or MCR looks and listens for a unique flash and audio tone generated onsite by MatchBox Glass and in approximately two seconds returns video and audio alignment and adjustment data that thus vastly accelerates the process of onsite synchronisation. This is especially useful for remote productions because it provides the ability to swiftly and accurately catch any synchronisation issues before they leave the site.
MatchBox Analyser
MatchBox Analyser is the constant half of our 2-part solution for lip-sync, coherence and channel identification. With either MatchBox Generator or MatchBox Glass replacing clapper boards and tapping mics, the Analyser is the device at the receiving end that replaces eyes and ears.
MatchBox Analyser looks for the pattern sent by MatchBox Generator or Glass and calculates the time of flight and the difference between what it knows should be there and what it actually receives. Accurate measurements are then provided of the video latency and the delay between the arrival of the sound and associated vision.
This means that guesswork is replaced by a highly accurate, electronic generator and receiver that compose and submit their respective signals to the best and most accurate pair of eyes and ears you could ever imagine, i.e. electronics that know exactly what should line up, and it if doesn’t.
AV Timing
Audio Video timing is measured to a resolution of 0.1ms with a maximum range of +/- 2 seconds. The MatchBox video signal from the generator is tolerant of almost all processing which does not add movement to the centre area of the picture, including up down cross conversion, frame rate conversion and compression.
Coherence is the measure of precise alignment of audio legs with respect to each other. This is especially important with surround sound, where unpleasant comb filtering effects can dramatically distort the frequency response of the system if mistimed audio legs are mixed together. Legs should be kept to within 0.1 audio samples to minimise this effect.
MatchBox measures coherence to a precision of 0.01 samples.
Transport Timing
It is now easy to check the relative timing of SDI video channels against each other and the video reference. The Transport Timing measurement indicates the literal timing of the SDI transport vs another SDI or the reference. This is great to confirm video feeds are genlocked and with the 4K open allows you to instantly confirm that all four feeds of a quadlink program are in line.
Content Timing
What if one of your feeds has perfect transport timing but is a frame delayed? No problem! The MatchBox Analyser also checks the content timing of all the inputs for you.
Audio level is measured to +/-0.01dBFS, using a true peak algorithm, making sure that your levels are spot on.
Has one of your audio legs been inverted through the processing chain? Would you know if it was? With the MatchBox system you will, a simple indication of leg inversion is displayed.
Leg Identification / Channel ordering
Legs crossed? We can tell you that too! A simple display of the tones on each input channel gives immediate indication of what is on which channel... This does what your ears do when listening to BLITS tone but without the listening.
Web Interface
All Analyser values can be read from one page on the web-based control system in a clear and compact format. Status is updated on a second by second basis, so you do not have to wait.
On Screen Display
The MatchBox Analyser passes through the input video and overlays all readings on a simple to understand graphic; again rapidly updating and easy to read. Clear bar graphs give an idea of magnitude of AV errors, with text readout of levels, coherence and source.
MatchBox Generator
Need to sync audio to video accurately and fast? What if you replaced mic tapping and clapper board with a known, verified and perfectly timed signal?
That’s what MatchBox Generator does.
A fully-fledged test pattern generation with advanced audio and video identing, MatchBox Generator fulfills all your test pattern generation and identing needs with video channel identification and intuitive text to speech synthesis. Boasting 16 channels of embedded or AES audio and support for SD, HD and UHD video (quad-link or 12G). SMPTE ST 2110 options also available for HD.
Lip-Sync Test Output
Advanced signatures are added to the video and audio output to enable AV timing measurements when the Generator is paired with an Analyser. To learn more about what measurements the signatures allow checkout the MatchBox Analyser. The signatures are carefully crafted to be tolerant of almost all processing including up down cross conversion, frame rate conversion and compression.
Test Tones
Audio tones are easily configurable per channel. Just choose GLITS, BLITS, or continuous tones. Tones can also be conveniently generated as encoded Dolby. All tones are precisely generated at 24 bit resolution.
Audio Idents
No need for the time consuming and inflexible pre-recorded sequences; our text to speech synthesis handles it all for you! You can insert phrases onto the audio outputs at regular intervals and create common prefixes with staggered leg ident to identify channels without the idents talking over each other. All of this is configurable via simple text entry through the web interface, and applied within seconds.
Test Patterns
Once you have a MatchBox generator you will not need another TPG! Whether you want plain bars, sweeps, ramps, pathological, RP219 bars or even High Dynamic Range (HDR BT2111) our flexible TPG will do the job.... and if the pattern you are looking for is not there, we are happy to add patterns for our valued customers.
Text Idents
Designed for clear readability and contrast. Our text ident generation boasts tidy anti-aliased text with a neat outline for clear display against any background. A range of available fonts, sizes and colours get your line identification across.
Logo/Bug Insertions
Customise your source with a logo or other graphic. Logo insertion allows you to upload and place your graphic keyed into the source.
Video Output
MatchBox has all your SDI needs covered from SD to 12G & ST 2110. A single card can output up to four uniquely idented test patterns at SD, HD or 3G, or a single channel of UHD (quadlink or 12G). With four Generators loaded into the xFrame that’s 16 outputs in a 1U form factor! SMPTE ST 2110 options also available for HD or 3G.
Genlock Input
Lock the video output to Black&Burst or Tri-Level house references.
Web Interface
Simply type the IP address of your MatchBox Generator into a web browser and set it up! This clear and compact interface can be used on any PC, Mac and touch screen device.
Network 1
Network 1 is a reliable and cost-effective internet-based platform, for the primary distribution of linear content. It offers content owners 24/7/365, point to multi-point channel distribution to global audiences. Network 1 empowers customers to focus on the content, not the distribution.
From public service broadcasters, to global media giants, the UK's oldest commercial network and premier league football teams, Network 1 customers are increasingly utilising global connectivity to transport linear video content.
Network 1 offers significantly quicker implementation than traditional fibre and satellite distribution methods, with set-up normally measured in hours rather than months. Network 1 is multi-cloud compatible, protocol agnostic and delivers over managed or unmanaged networks. Infinite scalability ensures on-boarding new channels is easy and if no hardware is required, customers can deliver to new affiliates or broadcast platform operators straight away.
Network 1 is a fully managed service, with network management and monitoring capabilities, offering complete reliability.
Monitoring and Control (Satellite related services & applications)
Information is your greatest asset. ILLUMINATOR gives access to the key data that is vital to your business performance, presented in a way that is easy to visualise and interpret. Users access data through a client customisable control layer, known as a workspace, which sits on top of the core ILLUMINATOR framework. This allows the software to be tailored to exact client’s needs. The workspace provides users access to any data, whether mastered within ILLUMINATOR’S extensible database, or resident externally in other systems.
ILLUMINATOR allows users to view and manage data from legacy or difficult to maintain datasets, in a single environment. It can consume data in many formats reducing the need for multiple, disparate ‘data islands’ often constructed in spreadsheets, Access or bespoke SQL database solutions.
Work Together
In addition to the user defined Workspaces, the ILLUMINATOR core framework facilitates pre-built or custom functional module plugin capability. Existing modules can be adapted, or new and specially tailored modules can be created with Graphical Data’s support, to ensure you get the solution you need. These functional modules are designed to enhance the power of ILLUMINATOR, improving how users view and work with their data, on a daily basis.
All parts of the business can contribute; suppliers, contractors and customers can also engage if required. Each user has their part to play and every team member's input contributes to overall success. ILLUMINATOR’s communication features allow quick, consistent input and feedback to and from all.
Complete Integration
ILLUMINATOR allows multiple processes to come together in a single integrated workflow tool. These can include processes managed in other systems and if unified with Graphical Data’s RESOLVE software - exceptional end to end project performance improvements can be realised. ILLUMINATOR and its comprehensive toolkit are designed to manage large volumes of complex data. This can include systems procured from scratch, the re-structuring of existing databases, or the unification of data mastered elsewhere in multiple discrete repositories to provide a ‘single view of the truth’, ILLUMINATOR can deliver it all. ILLUMINATOR facilitates exceptional levels of software configuration to meet unique/specific data management requirements but can also realise these very rapidly.
Asset management databases and configuration management databases are numerous. However, ILLUMINATOR’s power is that in addition to these standard functions, it can be configured to be capable of much more. This includes integration of very unique data sets not normally managed in broad enterprise level applications.
BCi Digital Systems Integration
Comprehensive Systems Integration Support:
Early Stage Consulting
Vendor RFI and RFP Support
Budgeting and Detailed Project Planning
Vendor Selection and Solution Design
System Integration and Test Planning
End-to-End Platform Testing
Operations Transition and Training
DataMiner is the most advanced end-to-end multi-vendor NMS, OSS and orchestration software solutions for the broadcast, satellite, cable, telco and mobile industry. The platform offers a plethora of functions including unlimited web access, alarm monitoring, email and SMS notification, long-term trending, professional reporting, advanced automation, intelligent correlation and root cause analysis, service management, real-time SLA monitoring, user-definable key performance indicator dashboards, spectrum monitoring, mobile access, powerful CPE management, inventory and asset management, and much more. One interface to manage your entire operational ecosystem, across any vendor and technology boundaries, results in a significant reduction of operational expenses and increased quality of service. This award-winning solution is integrated with more than 5500 devices and systems from more than 600 different key industry suppliers. It enables end-to-end integration of the most complex technical ecosystems and has been deployed by leading operators around the world.
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