Nea Genesis - IABM Single BaM Product

Nea Genesis - IABM Single BaM Product

NEA Genesis

NEA Genesis


NEA Genesis records live channels from live packagers and handles recording requests and asset delivery. It can also interface with an existing NEA Live system.

Because NEA Genesis uses Cloud Object Storage to store the content, you don’t need to worry about extending it; it automatically grows with time.

Content is stored directly on the Cloud Storage in DASH format; no proprietary layer is added so it remains accessible for other purposes.

Integrated with a CPIX 2.3 Interface to handle major DRM solutions, NEA Genesis supports multiple streaming, subtitling, and audio formats.

Compute costs are adaptive according to the number of channels and user requests. NEA Genesis will scale in function of the demand. So, you only pay for what has been processed and watched by your subscribers.

Based on a cloud-native design, it enables a highly available architecture as well as redun-dancy features to secure the service and the delivery.

NEA Genesis comes with a dedicated module for migration, which transfers the nPVR and VOD assets from your former cloud DVR platform to the NEA Genesis storage, making them available to your subscribers.

Ateme has developed and maintains a stack to easily deploy NEA Genesis infrastructure (networking, security, managed Kubernetes, bastion) and product in public clouds.


  • Catch-up

  • VoD

  • Cloud DVR solution

  • Shared copy

Features and Benefits

  • Cloud-native DVR solution for public clouds

  • Records live OTT feeds to create DVR assets

  • Stores VOD assets

  • Origin server for catch-up TV and VoD delivery managed by a back office

  • Just-In-Time packaging

  • Just-In-Time encryption to protect your content on all your devices and platforms


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