Vectorbox - IABM Single BaM Product

Vectorbox - IABM Single BaM Product




VectorBox is for the UHD, HD and SD channels that want to capture the attention of world audiences with the eye-catching power of hardware-based DVEs and frame buffers. This top-of-the line model offers to the broadcast engineer the quality and reliability of the traditional equipment and uses the software only for the tasks that are suitable for it. Crossfade, fade-to black, dynamic effects, superimposing, PIPs and crops are performed by dedicated hardware that makes the difference. Let’s get back to the classics when only perfection was allowed in broadcast but with the flexibility and automated control made possible by current technology.

All models in the VectorBox range are is fully compatible with its environment, accepting all wrappers and compression schemes used in the industry, interacting with any device in the master control room and smoothly integrating with third party traffic, scheduling and MAMs of manufacturers by XML or other standards. VectorBox is built on top of a best-in-class hardware platform and can work with any NAS/SAN accessible via LAN. Its monitoring capabilities and its ability to be stacked (with or without automation layer) in large multi channel facilities makes setting up channels simple and straightforward.

* Full branding with graphics, transitions and effects

* Support for all codecs and wrappers support

* User interface in a client for remote control

* Dynamic redundancy management

* Output: SDI, 2022 and 2110

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