Vsnexplorer Pam - IABM Single BaM Product

Vsnexplorer Pam - IABM Single BaM Product

VSNExplorer PAM

VSNExplorer PAM


VSNExplorer Production Asset Management (PAM) module is designed to make production environments more efficient, streamlining management and tracking of media files and workflows throughout the entire creation process. VSNExplorer PAM grants users total control over content and ongoing projects, from ingest to distribution, monetization and, finally, archive of media files.

Workflows automation enabled by VSNExplorer PAM liberate users from repetitive tasks such as media movement, transcoding and broadcasting, now automatically performed in the background. Production tasks and workflows are organized and signaled with visual cards (Kanban system), allowing users to assess projects at a glance. In addition, every digital asset is presented in a hierarchical display, accessible to every user, boosting collaborative work among users and departments. VSNExplorer PAM also allows journalists and editors to retrieve and track content in record time, whether stored offline, nearline or online.

Finally, VSNExplorer PAM also allows media previewing, segment selection and low-res editing through its web video editor, Wedit. This tool increases efficiency in media management and video editing thanks to its cloud-based functionalities, allowing journalists and editors to easily locate and edit media files within a single interface, without necessary changing to an NLE.

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