Etere Snmp Console - IABM Single BaM Product

Etere Snmp Console - IABM Single BaM Product

Etere SNMP Console

Etere SNMP Console


Etere SNMP Console is a highly customizable solution that optimizes all processes, infrastructure performance and devices from within a single interface.

Etere SNMP Console is the leading edge technology with a simple, intuitive and user-friendly interface that helps to optimize all the infrastructure performance and availability of a system. The SNMP Console provides a smarter solution since it takes under-control not only Etere solutions but all processes/devices in the system. Etere innovates and upgrades its Console continuously to transform any broadcast system into a completely safe solution because the security is of utmost importance! All processes are monitored by SNMP standard protocol.

Etere provides a common, flexible and easy-to-use browser interface, designed to be highly customizable to facilitate system monitoring, it’s able to detect and recover potential problems automatically. Etere SNMP Console is capable to receive SNMP messages sent by other non-Etere applications or devices such as network switches, routers, and firewalls.

Key Features

■Easy monitoring and management of all the system

■Monitors the status of the system and performs diagnostics

■Handshakes Etere applications to check if they are running correctly

■Controls any SNMP enabled process

■Saves the history log of what happened in your system

■Gives you a view of your machine room to easily locate every PC

■Web access console for an easy control of the system

■In order to improve monitoring of devices, modules and workflows, all Etere components are automatically subscribed to SNMP Service, periodic heartbeats are sent via SNMP

■Etere SNMP Console detects missing heartbeats and sends both a visual-alarm and a real-time e-mail notification to the operations department

■Increased visibility to isolate raised faults

■Etere SNMP Console is smartly divided across different panels to allow a quick monitoring of specific functions

■Manage and archive all SNMP messages

Additional information

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