Spectra BlackPearl Network Attached Storage

Spectra BlackPearl Network Attached Storage

Spectra BlackPearl Network Attached Storage

Spectra BlackPearl Network Attached Storage


Designed as the optimal disk platform for storage of mid-tier data, including primary storage offload, data staging, backup and archiving, BlackPearl Network Attached Storage (NAS) is one of the most affordable enterprise storage solutions on the market, costing as little as pennies per gigabyte. Scaling capacity, performance and platform, the BlackPearl NAS allows users to easily and affordably manage large files while planning for the future. It delivers a complete array of storage and interface options for ultimate flexibility, including: Flash drives, Enterprise SAS drives, and Archive SATA drives – all supported simultaneously. To ensure content is protected, BlackPearl NAS was designed with three levels of protection RAID Z1, Z2 and Z3, global spare drives, redundant power, hot pair, and intelligent drive rebuild. BlackPearl NAS can also replicate itself using asynchronous replication to another BlackPearl NAS, creating a second copy of stored data for a higher level of data assurance.

Unique to the BlackPearl NAS system, is the ability to upgrade the solution with Spectra’s TranScale feature, at any time, to a BlackPearl Converged Storage System, an object storage solution that leverages multiple storage tiers. BlackPearl NAS is innovative because it is the ONLY NAS with three levels of field upgradability, allowing users to start small and plan for the future. Performance upgrades leverage flash-only pools for increased speed; capacity upgrades enable users to scale up to 10.7PB in a single rack; and platform upgrade capabilities allow users to easily TranScale BlackPearl NAS to a BlackPearl Converged Storage System. By upgrading BlackPearl NAS to BlackPearl Converged Storage System, a user’s traditional file system files (CIFS/NFS) can be passed through BlackPearl as object storage to additional near-line disk, archive disk with spin-down capability, digital tape, cloud, a replicated copy to another BlackPearl, or any combination of those storage options – all without requiring expensive middleware.

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