Mediaflex Ums - IABM Single BaM Product

Mediaflex Ums - IABM Single BaM Product




The consumption of content continues to accelerate on an upwards path and the need to efficiently acquire, manage and deliver across the entire content supply chain becomes ever more compelling.

To achieve optimum performance we need to consider following a digital transformation strategy that builds on the four pillars of the content supply chain:

  • Content – in all its forms, digital and physical, video, audio, graphics, captions, subtitles, scripts and documents, as well as all the associated and additional metadata

  • Workflow – Nothing happens to content without direction, as simple or complex as needed. Business processes, logic and decisions must be performed to create cohesive and efficient workflows, taking into account both manual, and the increasing amount of automated tasks

  • Resources – Workflows don’t happen without somebody or something managing and orchestrating them, whether it be a person and/or technology

  • Analytics – How do you know how well your operation is running and that you’ve implemented efficient working practices? Analytics. Being able to measure and manage the business across the above 3 pillars enables an organisation to automate elasticity in resource utilisation, to understand the metrics of its operation, how efficient they are and ultimately how the bottom line is affected by them.

Undertaking a strategy that creates tight integration of all 4 pillars will deliver significant benefits to the organisation. Maximising the benefit requires the implementation of an agile and flexible content supply chain solution, so implementing a business solution, such as Mediaflex-UMS (Unified Media Services), that embraces all 4 pillars will ultimately lead to a significantly more efficient operation.

From its concept, Mediaflex-UMS has been designed to integrate these 4 pillars and place clients in control of their content, metadata and the business processes across their content supply chains. Equally as important, it was designed to place our customers in control of the Mediaflex-UMS platform.

So often organisations find out the hard way that the implementation of a new system requires them to go back to the vendor and/or rely on technology experts to modify the code to cater for new business processes, or modify existing ones, as the business changes. This often leads to the question “Do I build or buy?”.

With Mediaflex-UMS you get the best of both worlds: buying a system that allows authorised personnel to use the tool-sets built into the system to design, modify and configure it to meet the ever-changing demands of the business as the consumption of media continues to change.

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