Experience Creation Platform - IABM Single BaM Product

Experience Creation Platform - IABM Single BaM Product

Experience Creation Platform

Experience Creation Platform


Current solutions in the market either deliver no sync at all, require manual time alignment management to achieve some sort of sync or require modification of content the workflow.

NativeWaves provides a solution that is non-disruptive, easy to adopt. A solution that uses automated synchronisation to deliver synced multi view experiences adjusted to milliseconds, required no marking or changes to content or existing workflows. A solution that does not require broadcasters to adopt proprietary CDN’s or players and uses  native players on both iOS and Android to deliver immersive personalised experiences.

The experience creation platform comprises of 4 elements:

1. Encoder Management 2.Managed Content Distribution 3. Synced Multiview Event production and 4. Synced Multidevice Scheduling


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