Editshares Efs 2020 - IABM Single BaM Product

Editshares Efs 2020 - IABM Single BaM Product

EditShare’s EFS 2020

EditShare’s EFS 2020


EFS 2020 powers faster EditShare storage nodes and networks on-premise, in the cloud and in hybrid configurations. The media-optimized file system features security improvements at every layer and enhanced throughput performance gains across the board. Fully compatible with Flow 2020, EFS 2020 enables media organizations to build extensive collaborative workflows, shielding creative personnel from the underlying technical complexity while equipping technical teams with a comprehensive set of media management tools. In addition to the powerful storage management tools built into EFS, the extensive set of RESTful APIs opens the door for customers and technology partners to automate advanced storage management workflows in a secure environment.

The latest EFS 2020 file system is built on all of EditShare’s storage nodes including:

EFS 200: For smaller boutique creative facilities

EFS 300: For medium sized facilities looking to grow to 1PB and beyond

EFS 450: For mission critical enterprise environments offering unlimited scalability

EFS SSD: For high data rate finishing environments

EFS 40NL: For parking of content and projects/Disaster recovery solution

EFSv: For clients looking to spin up an entire facility in the cloud

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