Expressplay Drm - IABM Single BaM Product

Expressplay Drm - IABM Single BaM Product

Intertrust ExpressPlay DRM

Intertrust ExpressPlay DRM


ExpressPlay DRM is an integrated and cloud-based media monetization service for OTT streaming operators and content distributors. The service supports all major DRMs including Apple FairPlay Streaming, Google Widevine, Microsoft PlayReady, Adobe Primetime, and the open-standard Marlin DRM.

ExpressPlay DRM scales to protect millions of concurrent viewers for major live events with a cost-effective and global footprint including geo-redundancy and automatic fail-over options. This ensures the lowest service latency wherever subscribers are located.

ExpressPlay DRM’s secure key management service includes a rich API for managing encryption keys. The key service insulates ExpressPlay DRM customers from the complexities of managing content keys, while maintaining full control and ownership of the keys. The key service also supports the AWS-developed SPEKE (Secure Packager and Encoder Key Exchange) API, enabling streamlined integration with AWS Media Services and other SPEKE-compliant providers.

For more information and to discuss your requirements, please contact us or visit our website. You may also sign up for a Free 30-day Trial here.

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