Archiware P5 Archive 2 - IABM Single BaM Product

Archiware P5 Archive 2 - IABM Single BaM Product

Archiware P5 Archive

Archiware P5 Archive


Media Archiving Software The software’s browser-based interface enables fast and easy configuration, administration and monitoring – regardless of your location.

P5 Archive helps to move data to cost-effective tape media. In the process, expensive server storage can be reclaimed while backup times are reduced. By relieving your network of traffic, you’ll get a better working experience and increased productivity.

As of P5 Archive version 5.5, archiving to the cloud is even easier: in addition to Amazon S3, Archiware has integrated cloud support for Amazon Glacier, Generic S3, Hitachi S3, Microsoft Azure, Wasabi and Backblaze. Archiving to the cloud saves hardware and administration cost, plus the available storage can be easily extended when the need arises.

As users requirements grow and change, P5’s modular design allows for optimal scaling to fit your specific needs. There are no limits to possible growth: you can easily add further Archiware products, hardware or media to expand your setup. P5 Archive can save data to disk, tape and the cloud, while the same hardware is used by P5 Backup.

Offsite Storage P5 Archive lets you move or migrate data offline to disk, tape and the cloud. You can monitor files, folders and the directory structure to archive files automatically. Fine-grained filtering can be applied to select or exclude files based on name, size, date etc. Data can be cloned to a second tape for offsite storage. Encryption options protect data against non-authorized access both during the transfer and on the media itself.

Archive Using Pool or Object Format P5 Archive can migrate and archive data offsite using two options: the Pool or Object Format.

Pool Format: includes all the familiar, powerful features of P5 (cloning, migration, etc.). This standard procedure assigns archived data to a Pool consisting of a flexible number of Volumes. The organization and bundling of data into Pools and Volumes creates manageable entities. In the Pool Format, data is exclusively restored through P5. Supported storage formats include tape, disk and the cloud.

Object Format: allows single-file access and share-ability for cooperative workflows. In this format, archived data are stored as individual objects (Files). This mode provides applications and users the option of directly accessing and restoring data archived to the cloud without P5. To enable direct data access, P5 stores data in its original format in the cloud. The link-addresses required for external access are logged by P5. This storage format is only supported in the cloud (Amazon S3, Backblaze, generic S3).

Bare Bones Asset Management P5’s archiving software can function as a bare bones asset management system, e.g. to manage video archives. Features include extendable metadata fields, HTML5 previews and an automatic backup of Archive indexes for effective search and retrieval. Search file types, like images and videos by visual previews.

Archive provides configurable login areas for restricted or direct access to (selected) parts of the archive to browse, search and restore files.

Incremental Archive Data can also be archived in incremental mode. This way, only new and changed files will be archived, effectively minimizing the growth of the Archive.

LTFS Export Option For data transport, files from the Archive can be exported on LTFS formatted tapes. These tapes can be read with free drivers from drive vendors.

3rd Party Integrations P5’s scriptable command line interface offers unlimited options for 3rd party integrations. The following options are already available: axle, FocalPoint Server, CatDV, CANTEMO Portal™, Metus, empress eMAM, DALIM ES, Xinet, Helios, Canto Cumulus.

Add-on: P5 Archive App In the Mac OS X Finder, files can be archived and restored via right-click context menu. There is also a direct integration as a share destination in Final Cut Pro X.

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