Illuminator - IABM Single BaM Product

Illuminator - IABM Single BaM Product




Gaining control

Information is your greatest asset. ILLUMINATOR gives access to the key data that is vital to your business performance, presented in a way that is easy to visualise and interpret. Users access data through a client customisable control layer, known as a workspace, which sits on top of the core ILLUMINATOR framework. This allows the software to be tailored to exact client’s needs. The workspace provides users access to any data, whether mastered within ILLUMINATOR’S extensible database, or resident externally in other systems.

ILLUMINATOR allows users to view and manage data from legacy or difficult to maintain datasets, in a single environment. It can consume data in many formats reducing the need for multiple, disparate ‘data islands’ often constructed in spreadsheets, Access or bespoke SQL database solutions.

Work Together

In addition to the user defined Workspaces, the ILLUMINATOR core framework facilitates pre-built or custom functional module plugin capability. Existing modules can be adapted, or new and specially tailored modules can be created with Graphical Data’s support, to ensure you get the solution you need. These functional modules are designed to enhance the power of ILLUMINATOR, improving how users view and work with their data, on a daily basis.

All parts of the business can contribute; suppliers, contractors and customers can also engage if required. Each user has their part to play and every team member’s input contributes to overall success. ILLUMINATOR’s communication features allow quick, consistent input and feedback to and from all.

Complete Integration

ILLUMINATOR allows multiple processes to come together in a single integrated workflow tool. These can include processes managed in other systems and if unified with Graphical Data’s RESOLVE software – exceptional end to end project performance improvements can be realised. ILLUMINATOR and its comprehensive toolkit are designed to manage large volumes of complex data. This can include systems procured from scratch, the re-structuring of existing databases, or the unification of data mastered elsewhere in multiple discrete repositories to provide a ‘single view of the truth’, ILLUMINATOR can deliver it all. ILLUMINATOR facilitates exceptional levels of software configuration to meet unique/specific data management requirements but can also realise these very rapidly.

Asset management databases and configuration management databases are numerous. However, ILLUMINATOR’s power is that in addition to these standard functions, it can be configured to be capable of much more. This includes integration of very unique data sets not normally managed in broad enterprise level applications.

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