Mastering Automation - IABM Single BaM Product

Mastering Automation - IABM Single BaM Product

Mastering Automation

Mastering Automation


CLEAR’s Mastering Automation solution makes domestic and international syndication across linear and non-linear platforms more efficient and cost-effective, thanks to automation by leveraging CLEAR Compliance Data Model, Caption Re-timing feature and Profanity Check tool for compliance auto QC for captions & subtitles.

Key Features

CLEAR Compliance Data Model: A feature that enables one time cataloging on the Source Master, thereby reducing S&P (Standards & Practices) efforts as well as edit time

Caption Re-timing: Auto re-sync of captions/subtitles and dub files for new edit versions of an asset, thereby eliminating the process of manually captioning and dubbing content repeatedly

Compliance auto QC: Automated blocking out of objectionable language from captions/subtitles for compliance adherence

Additional information

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