IABM Future Trends Channel

An online launch pad for innovation with a packed agenda of presentations that explore up-and-coming technology and business trends and how they will segue from today’s environment.




Data Week 
AI/ML & Analytics

AI/ML adoption in Broadcast and Media is accelerating, driven by the desire to automate routine workflows and to gain increasing insights into audiences, with most applications currently in content management. Data is playing an ever more central role in every segment of the BaM Content Chain® - and is set only to increase in importance.

The Data Week will focus on data-driven media, including innovative AI and ML solutions to create, manage and deliver content as well as analytics solutions enabling informed decision-making at media organizations. What does the future hold?


Artificial Intelligence - Updated July 2020

IABM Media Tech Trends reports annually track the adoption of specific emerging technologies within the Broadcast and Media sector. The purpose of these reports is to enable member companies to better understand the drivers of emerging technologies’ adoption within customer organizations. This should provide member companies more tools to better address the challenges lying ahead, from new product development to marketing strategy. These reports contain a discussion on the state of adoption of the emerging technology in Broadcast and Media as well as an analysis of significant customer deployments.


IABM Future Trends Live Data Event

This live session will focus on data-driven media, including innovative artificial intelligence and machine learning solutions to create, manage and deliver content as well as analytics solutions enabling informed decision-making at media organizations.

We ask our panelists about how the Covid19 pandemic has influenced the adoption of AI/ML in the media industry, which applications of AI/ML tech and data-driven tools have gained momentum recently.

We look at how AI/ML and data-driven tools have helped content creators deal with pressures on financials and workloads along with how these tools can help media companies to sift through archives in a preiod of content shortage.

We finish with looking at how investment in data capabilities helps media companies better understand users of their direct-to-consumer offerings.

The event will also feature a Case Study – How the SF Giants Further Fan Engage by using AI featuring Logan Ketchum Director of Sales and Strategic Partnerships at Veritone and Paul Hodges Vice President of San Francisco Giants Productions.


Discover how AI and ML improve the quality of schedules, reduce human efforts, and boost the accuracy of predicted ratings. By MEDIAGENIX. VIEW PRESENTATION
The Organization of American States is the world’s oldest regional organization bringing together all 35 independent states of the Americas. It is mandated to keep verbatim minutes of the meetings of some of its governing bodies. These meetings are manually transcribed which is time-consuming and requires many personnel. This short video shows the benefits OAS gained using AI. VIEW PRESENTATION
The innovation we want to talk about in this session explains how AI/ML is used today to automatically transform horizontal 16:9 live streams into vertical 9:16 ones in real-time and without "cropping" (so loosing) important information contained in the original 16:9 frames.  VIEW PRESENTATION
This presentation will examine the benefits of targeted advertising for viewers, advertisers, and operators, as well as some of the delivery challenges. Attendees will learn how operators can collect viewer data and enhance decisions related to targeted advertising using artificial intelligence. By providing invaluable insights into what content is popular and what’s not, data and analytics help to improve the relevance of content and advertising delivered by service providers to individual viewers and households. VIEW PRESENTATION
New intelligence introduces a new dimension to video service churn management because it paves the way for service providers to act on an individual at-risk customer basis, tailoring their actions in accordance with each of these variables identified as increasing individual churn risk levels! VIEW PRESENTATION
During this session we will discuss how to use AI content tagging to optimize video services content catalogue, making it easily searchable, and their content discoverable. VIEW PRESENTATION
In this presentation, we will look at how artificial intelligence can learn to produce highly accurate duration estimations, even for complex workflows. The presentation has a technical focus, starting from the initial collection of requirements and working through the modelling process and evaluation, before looking at how such a solution could be deployed. Finally, we’ll look at how such a solution could be integrated into workflows to automate decisions such as “red line” workflows, or pre-emptively scale systems for load. VIEW PRESENTATION
In this speaking session, we detail why there is so much untapped potential for AI within the TV industry, and how executives can better harness the power of AI. He would also be able to outline the television industry’s attitudes, experiences and perceptions about AI, as well as how they can use the technology to track, analyze and monetize content more effectively, while also enhancing audience engagement along the way. Finally, we outline additional findings from Veritone’s recent research on VIEW PRESENTATION
Logan will outline two case studies: the San Francisco Giants, who used Veritone’s AI solutions to bring its 60-year media archive to life and drive an advanced fan engagement strategy, and DraftClips, a portal of exclusive highlights from hundreds of NFL draft prospects that is powered by Veritone’s AI. VIEW PRESENTATION
Craig Bury will offer an insight into how development opportunities will advance cognitive and machine learning processes, improving, and enhancing deep content discovery, analysis, and identification to unlock and increase existing and new revenue opportunities and initiatives VIEW PRESENTATION
In this presentation Streamhub will demonstrate how a cross-industry data collaboration platform between broadcasters, platforms and agencies in a major OTT market has successfully led to stronger strategic positioning of broadcasters in Japan with greater AVOD revenues for all - and a more joyful user experience for video consumers. VIEW PRESENTATION
In this video, Bhavesh Vaghela will delve into the mindset of subscriber to share the psychological drivers motivating their behaviours and reveal how industry-standard practices are alienating consumers from the very beginning of the relationship. VIEW PRESENTATION
In this video, Bhavesh Vaghela will share best practice advice from this project to demonstrate how pay-TV operators and OTT service providers can take a data centric approach to subscriber growth. And reveal how to build a solid foundation to get started with more sophisticated techniques such as AI and machine learning (ML). VIEW PRESENTATION
Cloud-based platforms have opened the door to new opportunities for content companies to automate their supply chain workflows. As component-based workflow formats, such as IMF, become more mainstream, innovative AI technologies are further augmenting the efficiencies that companies are experiencing with IMF in the cloud. This presentation will walk through how companies can make their media workflows as efficient as possible through AI-driven tools, the scalability of the cloud, and the flexibility of IMF. VIEW PRESENTATION
In this talk, we will present some recent insights, technical challenges, and lessons learned from creating applications, in which we use AI to help the viewer select the right content quickly. VIEW PRESENTATION
This presentation will look at how the latest advancements in AI/ML are helping to improve quality control of captions. The session will also explore new ML solutions for text detection and speech to text conversion, and how, by using these intelligent techniques, broadcasters can auto align content and text suggestions, save significant time and expense, while increasing accuracy and creativity. VIEW PRESENTATION
This presentation will explain the basic limitations of deep learning-based methods and corrective measures that might help improve the outcome of any ML-based solution. The benefits of manual review and offline/batch training will be discussed. Attendees will gain a better understanding of the inherent limitations of the ML methods to use the technology more effectively. VIEW PRESENTATION
Demand is increasing for captioning across a much larger volume of media, with many different specifications for caption style, format and language. VIEW PRESENTATION
The world of online casinos is a realm of endless excitement, where the promise of big wins and unforgettable experiences beckons players from around the globe. Yet, for many, the fine print of wagering requirements has often marred the thrill of victory, making the pursuit of fortune feel like a never-ending maze. But what if there were a way to enjoy the captivating world of online gambling without being ensnared by these elusive and sometimes exasperating wagering requirements? Enter the VIEW PRESENTATION
As news production teams transition to dispersed operations, technology can alleviate the lack of co-location. We present AI techniques to recommend multimedia content to journalists while working on stories, relaying dramatic progress in Natural Language Processing with Transformer Models. We developed a cloud-based SaaS API to compute recommendations, integrated within our newsroom system. User trials with journalists indicate its effectiveness for newsroom teams: the technology brings value by enabling higher collaboration and reuse of archives VIEW PRESENTATION