AI Powered Content Performance Analysis

AI Powered Content Performance Analysis

AI Powered Content Performance Analysis

AI Powered Content Performance Analysis


Smart Analytics is a customised AI offering which extracts deep content features and matches it with content performance parameters to allow media organisations to take more data-driven decision around their content. Media companies have realised that they need to move beyond analysing content performance solely on the basis of 3rd part viewership data or user metrics on platforms. This approach leads to a one-dimensional understanding of a program’s performance without giving much insights about the content itself – Genre, emotions, character duration and specific objects of interests.

Gain insight into audience preferences – Enables broadcasters to comprehend if their efforts in giving a direction to the show resonate with a positive impact on viewership for diverse target customer segments.

Unlock Competitive Analysis – Get an in-depth comparative viewership analysis for your programme or slot against those of your competitors.

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