Swift Studio - IABM Single BaM Product

Swift Studio - IABM Single BaM Product

Swift Studio

Swift Studio


Swift Studio offers full multi-camera virtual studios to take your productions to the next level or gives you the option of dropping 3D augmented reality objects such as score boards into live studios or outside broadcasts.

We also offer a highly cost effective single fixed camera system called Swift Studio Lite.

  • Swift Studio works with all the main camera tracking products.

  • Use Swift CG+ to design and incorporate 3D designs from other leading 3D design tools.

  • Incorporates live data feeds for accurate on air graphics.

  • Supported by our Swift Services to ensure all camera renderers are in sync.

  • Scales from single self contained PC, up to large scale facility wide distributed architecture.

  • Wide range of broadcast format support – HD, UHD, HDR, SDI, ST2110, NDI.

  • Fonts and language support including Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Russian, etc.

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