Mediascalex Cache - IABM Single BaM Product

Mediascalex Cache - IABM Single BaM Product

MediaScaleX // Cache

MediaScaleX // Cache


The MediaScaleX // Cache platform provides caching and streaming functions for VOD, Live and Linear streaming services, with support for HLS, DASH and HSS packages.  It can be deployed as an Origin Shield Cache, an Intermediate Cache or an Edge Cache to scale streaming video services.

Using carefully qualified COTS hardware platforms, MediaScaleX // Cache leads the market in streaming density from a single server.  The software-defined solution also supports media businesses looking to deploy in virtualized or containerized environments.

MediaScaleX // Cache enables Content Service Providers to proliferate unicast streams, offloading traffic from backbone networks and reducing network contention.  Caching, not multi-casting, is required in cloud DVR and Time-Shifted TV use cases so it is an essential component of a fully-featured OTT service.

MediaScaleX // Cache enables large-scale Providers to transition from public CDN services to private CDN platforms, either as an owned & operated platform or as a private managed service.  This reduces costs, increases traffic visibility, and creates an opportunity for Content Providers and Internet Service Providers to partner on delivering high value video services to consumer customers.

For Direct to Consumer streaming businesses, MediaScaleX // Cache enables the OTT service to scale cost-effectively while improving content delivery quality and latency.

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